Functional Training Rik Termote Roeselare

What is functionele training? Functional training is becoming more and more popular in fitness training. It focuses on the functionality of the training. This means that some exercises are connected with daily activities or are specific to the skills necessary for a specific sport. We develop pelvic stability and core strength, for more powerful throw-in of the football, for example. Because there are so many different movements, functional training can draw from a wide range of exercises.

Functional training is a form of training where the function is more important than the external aspect. When you train in a functional way, your physical condition will be the first to improve, but after a while your body proportions will improve as well.
The goal of this type of training is to make the different muscles and joints more powerful and agile, so that you can perform daily activities with greater mobility, less pain and greater ease. In addition to contributing to greater mobility and efficiency, functional training also burns fat more efficiently.
Functional training programmes are designed to be able to train without pain, recover from injury or improve skills in a specific sport.
The philosophy of functional training is based on applying the principles of physiology of effort to help clients perform activities in a safe and pleasant manner according to their individual characteristics, lifestyle or exercise mobility.