Physiology: Weight Loss

You can lose weight by changing your diet, ensuring you get enough of the right nutrients, eating lots of raw and cooked vegetables, proteins (meat, poultry, fish), focusing on the right carbohydrates and especially avoiding simple sugars (get the advice of your Personal Trainer).

But also and above all by exercising efficiently and functionally. For this, you need supervised training in circuits with a lot of variation that works multiple muscle groups in 3D. This will develop an athletic body, shape, posture and burn superfluous fats.

Training gives a huge boost to body processes that suddenly start working or have to work harder. These processes provide the energy for the body. This energy for muscle function is extracted from ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This ATP is broken down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and P (phosphate) and energy upon combustion. This energy system leads to the development of muscle strength and endurance.

Muscle Building 

BODY-BUILDING through the comparison functional training versus classical training. In both cases it is better to work with a Personal Trainer who ensures that you work correctly, acquire insight, learn to vary, and remain motivated to achieve clear results quickly.